Paper Title
Effectivity of Sechium Edule Leaves Extract as Dissolvent of Hard Calcular Deposits

Sechium edule, commonly known as Chayote, is a herbaceous vine characterized with the tuberous root system. Though people use Chayote for food consumption, many researchers found out that it has various medicinal properties. Chayote’s flavonoid content holds potential in preventing and dissolving plaque build-up. Objective: In this particular study, the researchers aim to establish the potency of Chayote’s flavonoid content in dissolving plaque build-up along the supragingival and subgingival area. Methodology: The researchers gathered Chayote leaves, and processed it for extraction. The study will use two different extracts which are pulverized and unpulverized extract. Bate-Smith and Metcalf Test Method, and Wilstatter “cyanidin” test were used to determine flavonoid content in the Chayote extract. The researchers also collected calcular deposits to test the potency of flavonoids in the Chayote extract. The researchers observe calcular dissolution within the duration of 20 minutes, 25 minutes, 31 minutes, and 1 hour. Results: 70% Unpulverized Chayote extract effectively dissolved calcular deposits within an hour. 80% and 90% unpulverized extract slightly dissolved calcular deposits in 20 minutes, and there is no noticeable change within an hour. In comparison to unpulverized Chayote extract, pulverized extract display lesser effectivity in dissolving calcular deposits. Only 70% pulverized Chayote extract dissolved calcular deposits. However, it can only partially dissolve the calcular deposit. There is no change in calcular deposits upon the application of 80% and 90% pulverized Chayote extract. Conclusion: Chayote extract contain flavonoids leucoanthocyanins and y-benzopyrone nucleus. In addition, 70% unpulverized Chayote extract is the most effective in dissolving calcular deposit. Keywords - Calcular deposit, Sechium edule, flavonoid