Paper Title
The Sustainable Public Transport and Efficiency Improvements through Better Understanding of Future Passengers

New planning procedures, tools and treatments for mobility issues have recently been fostered and developed; however, technical advances and efficiency improvements are limited. Along with growing traffic volumes, behavioural changes towards more sustainable travel futures are now of crucial importance. The outflow of Public transport (PT) passengers is a problem globally especially with an aging population, and increasing individual motor transport so policy makers and PT providers seek what makes substantial shifts from driving possible. In adulthood, the behavioural change stands mostly on psychological factors like attitudes, habits and convenience regarding potential behavioural change. However, our thinking and attitudes toward transport modes are embedded in childhood thus it is important to understand how different aspects of travel socialization contribute to the explanation of travel mode choice. In this regard, improvements aiming enhancement of user satisfaction should be designed in a way that accommodates all levels of service required by all passengers, notably by cluster of �future passengers� consisting of persons whose personal value system and personal norms are not fully internalized, thus influence on future habitual car use is possible regardless the individual�s actual transport mode. Market segmentation describing their heterogeneous motivations and necessities should be developed in order to promote public transport and other alternatives to a car, improve service quality, identify new service opportunities and therefore increase market share of public transport to the detriment of motorized individual transport. Keywords- Market Segmentation, Public Transport, Sustainable Urban Mobility, Travel Behavior Modification, Travel Socialization.