Paper Title
Need Analysis of Development on Career Readiness Module Using the Fuzzy Delphi Method

Career development among university students is a transition between education and career readiness to determine graduate employability. This transition process demanding students to have the education and career knowledge,, high skills, problem solving skills and making decision skills. This study aimed to identify the needs of career readiness module development that could be used for the students of public universities by using the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM). The descriptive research method was used to analyse the needs of career readiness module. The research samples were twelve counselling practitioners from different public universities. A set of questionnaire consisting five main themes with 15 items. The data were analysed using the FDM method to obtain the expert consensus of module development needs. The research findings showed that the experts consensus agree for all the five themes with level of agreement show the value more than 75% and threshold (d) value ≤ 0.2. The implications of this research can assist towards in-depth exploration of career module development that fulfil the issue of university students’ career readiness. Apart from that, appropriate career theory can also be identified to serve as the basis of module development. Follow up studies should focus on development of career module and conduct study of the module effectiveness among population of university students. Index Terms - Career programs, career readiness, employability, need analysis, fuzzy delphi method.