Paper Title
Factors Shaping Green Renewable Energy Development in Canada
The renewable energy landscape in Canada is diversifying beyond large-scale hydro development. Canada ranks second in the world for hydroelectric generation, having 60% of Canada’s electrical share being hydroelectric. Alternative hydro is a smaller but growing share from 2% Canadian capacity in 2005 to 11% in 2015. This paper compares the renewable landscape in Canada considering the role of energy resources, politics and economic factors. Provinces banning coal, like Ontario, have moved quickly to replace this supply with renewables through ambitious renewable energy targets, feed-in-tariffs (FITs) including community FITs and targets. Community FITs were effective at creating renewable energy projects that built community development, employment opportunities and distributed power with Nova Scotia approving 120 such projects before 2016 for a combined capacity of ~240 MW.
Keywords - Feed-in-Tariffs; Renewable Energy; Energy Policy; Green Energy; Hydro-Development, Wind Energy.