Paper Title
Effects of Online Supplementary Lessons on Developing Primary Students’ English Wriitng Skill

This study is an experimental research to develop English writing skill of primary students by using the online supplementary lessons. The objectives of this study were (1) to compare the learning achievement of students before and after learning by using online supplementary lessons and (2) to study students' satisfaction toward learning by using the online supplementary lessons. The sample consisted of 5 grade 5 students of WatAmarintraramschool, Bangkok, Thailand obtained by purposive sampling. There were three instruments used in this study; online supplementary lessons used for teaching primary English, the English writing achievement tests, and the satisfaction questionnaire investigating the students' opinions towards the online supplementary lessons. The research findings were as follows. The primary students' English writing skill score after learning via online supplementary lessons was higher than that of before the learning at the significance of 0.05 level. The students have a ‘very high’ positive attitude in the online supplementary lessons in all items. Keywords - Online Supplementary Lessons, Primary Students' English Writing Skill