Paper Title
Dysfunctional Religiosity for Religious Peoples’ Well-Being And Happiness

This study aims to investigate qualitatively and quantitatively people’s dysfunctional religiosity for well-being or happiness. A qualitative study was conducted with 6 the clergy and 6 devotes from Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist and Won-Buddhist denominations. After analyzing the data, twenty two topics derived from their assertions and statements, nine main meanings were classified based on those topics. Finally, 52-items scale was developed based on the qualitative study with a pilot test which were negatively correlated to subjective happiness. This Dysfunctional Religiosity Scale (DRS) has seven factors, such as religious helplessness and guilt, lack of religious practice and growth, lack of religious understanding and experience, religious self-righteousness, punishment recognition/pursuit of religious profit, religious inferiority/distrust of others, and fear of death/religious blindness. In the quantitative study with 349 male and female adults, total score of DRS was positively related with state and trait anxiety, anger, depression, frustration, and negative religious copings; and negatively related with psychological well-being, positive expectation for future life, subjective well-being, feeling of happiness, and positive religious copings. Based on this results, suggestions for further studies and information of strategies for promoting well-being and happiness of religious persons could be discussed. [This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2016S1A5A2A01022289)]