Paper Title
The Interdisciplinary Integration of Life Education: Taking the View of Watchman Nee as Analysis
The course as "Life Exploration and Culture Analysis" is one of "value of life and philosophy of thinking" in general education. “Culture Analysis” is a deep significance of cultural construction which provides people knowing ourselves, God, the supernatural, and the natural phenomena of relationship especially. Such course intends to use the theory and methods of culture, guiding the university students about cultural phenomenon, constructing own concept of life and death and so on. That hopes to guide the university students to comprehend “Life Education” through the course of “Culture Analysis”. The purpose of this course is to provide the basic life knowledge, professional theory, and train the university students with analytical skills. This course explores the culture but the ultimate goal is to inspire the insights of the university students to appreciate life and respect life well. The university students can have whole clear view to “Life Education” with combining the course of “Culture Analysis". For the university students can build up a healthy life view, realize the value and mean of life, learn to respect life, and form positive character.
Keywords - Interdisciplinary Integration, Life Education, Watchman Nee