Paper Title
Formulating Mission: How Perceptions of Corporate Purpose Affect the Formulation of the Mission

The aim of this article is research of the relationship between firm´s purpose and formulation of mission. The article is based on quantitative research in form of questionnaires distributed between companies in the Czech Republic. We have verified two hypotheses: (1) Is there a statistically significant difference between articulating a mission and firm´s purpose; (2) Is there a statistically significant difference between specific expression of the mission and firm´s purpose. We revealed a statistically significant difference between perception of firm´s purpose and formulation of their mission. On the other hand, no statistically significant differences were noticed between concrete mission interpretation and firm´s purpose. Given that more than 60% of companies perceive their purpose in the form of profit (make money), we can interpret this finding as one of the main reasons for the absence of mission in more than a quarter of companies surveyed. Index Terms - Articulating a mission, firm´s goal, profit, purpose of firms, shareholder value, service to society