Paper Title
Prolonged Exposure of Staphylococcus Aureus to Low Temperature Leads to Changes in Proteomic and Metabolic Composition

A high resistance to different antibiotics is found in S.aureus and due to this characteristic it causesmany fatal diseases in humans which have been increasing mortality and morbidity rate globally. It is very infamous pathogen responsible for many deadly diseases in humans. The protein expression and conformation inside the cell is stabilized by a cascade of homeostatic reactions. Growth of cells is highly dependent on the proper metabolites and proteins as they are functional in their native conformation. Therefore, the homeostasis of metabolites and proteins is crucial for the cells growth and specialization. As it has already been mentioned that structural conformation is important for maintaining the functional properties and any external changes can make the protein susceptible to inactivation and structure alteration rendering it non-functional entity. To cope with such conditions, cells have homeostasis mechanism that helps in recovering the proteins native conformations also the proteins which are harmful to cells are catabolised and removed from the cells. For the determination of the effect of the stressors on the metabolites and proteins homeostatic mechanism, cultures of S.aureus were grown in TSB until they reached mid-exponential phasefor both control and treated samples(Cold stressor at 4oC for 2 weeks). A clear deviation from the normal metabolomic and proteomic homeostatic mechanism was observed on exposure to such stress condition. Total cell proteins were isolated by employing the sonication a complete proteomic profile was generated from HPLC, Gel and label-free quantitative mass spectrometry to estimate the difference in the protein content of control and the treated samples. From the observations and results, it was explicit S.aureus makes adaptations to the new environments in which it resides and its responses was observed to be unique against the stressors that have been applied. This lead to the proposal of hypothesis that any environmental stressors can bring phenotypic alterations in the given organism’s species and this seem to be important in the survival of organism.