Paper Title
Measures to Mitigate DVR Caused Power Interruptions by Monitoring System Behavior at Southern Area Control Centers

When the system is characterized by high proportion of asynchronous load and heavily loaded long transmission , distribution feeders and heavily loaded transformer, the phenomenon that corresponds to stalling of induction motors related to air conditioners is witnessed. As a result the current absorbed by stalled motors leads to higher voltage losses and can provoke the blocking of other motors. This is aggravated by the back pressure torque of the compressor which transiently constant with respect to speed. This global phenomenon corresponds to a fast voltage collapse in MV and distribution system in the networks called Delay Voltage Recovery (DVR). This paper explains the major role played by Southern area control centers in monitoring and minimizing such abnormal behavior by enforcing remedial action. Keywords - Voltage Recavery, Spiltting Loaded Feeders.