Paper Title
A Moderated Mediation Model of The Relationship Between Proactive Personality and Turnover Intention in Taiwanese Nurses

The current study presented that justice perception could affect working outcomes, such as emotion, job performance, satisfaction and turnover intention, but proactive personality and career adaptability have mixture results on turnover intention. This investigation was conducted using a sample of nurses from district hospital to medical center (N = 247) who completed the questionnaire at two times with an interval of seven days. The results indicated that justice perception mediated the relationships between proactive personality and turnover intention, and career adaptability moderated the indirect effect among this relationship, such that the indirect effect would be strong with individuals who have high level of career adaptability. These findings suggest that justice perception is an important environment factor that helps to regulate the relationship between individual factors and working outcomes like turnover intention according to the resource conservation theory. Key words - Career adaptability, justice perception, proactive personality, turnover intention, moderated mediation