Paper Title
IoT Perspectives in the Indian Agriculture Sector

This paper explores the prospect of introducing a smart farming product solution i.e. FarmSight to solve India’s existing low crop yield problems. India’s crop failure and low farm yield is an apparent problem with statistics from Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations highlighting that the share of the agricultural sector in India’s economy is progressively declining at a rapid rate and is currently less than 15%. Various factors come into play - climate change issues like droughts and heavy rainfall are few of the main reasons for a high crop failure rate and low crop yield across farms in India. As a result, there is a need to improve the agricultural practices in India to improve the efficiency across the farmlands for a sustainable and diversified agricultural sector. In order to alleviate India’s low crop productivity problem, harnessing the power of Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics, with a core focus on studying and collecting data about the various elements of the crops and farms across the Indian landscape to deliver better farming practices is the key. Benefits of this technological solution can be applied and implemented across the entire Indian landscape. Benefits include but are not limited to improving the crop yield of the farms across India, accurate assessment of fertilizers needed, improved water quality, improved soil quality, and overall improved crop health. FarmSight i.e. the product solution itself will perform real time analysis of the farming field, crop quality, soil, and water quality and relaying that information to the farmer. Thereby providing quick, real time updates to the farmers so that they are aware of the farm and crop conditions across their farming landscape at all times. Index Terms - Agronomical Data, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things, Precision Agriculture, Smart Farming