Paper Title
A Development of Photo Sharing Website of Osotho Magazine To Enhance Audience’s Perception and Public Relation of Tourism Places in Thailand

The objectives of this research were to develop photo sharing website of OSOTHO Magazine to enhance audience’s perception and public relation of tourism places in Thailand, to evaluate the quality of the website, and to evaluate the audience’s perception and satisfaction. The samples were 25 staff of Tourism Authority of Thailand, derived from purposive sampling. Data was statistically analyzed by mean, and standard deviation. The results found that photo sharing website composed of attractive tourism places with narration of the places. The website composed of 5 topics; 1) Journey, 2) Lifestyle, 3) Gallery, 4) News and Event, and 5) Contact us. The website structure was hierarchical and web structure. The evaluation of quality on content was at the level of “very good” (mean = 4.56, S.D. = 0.35) and the quality on media was at the level of “very good”. (mean = 4.82, S.D. = 0.27) The evaluation on audience’s perception and satisfaction was at the level of “much”. (mean = 4.34, S.D. = 0.69) The research finding can be concluded that the photo sharing website of OSOTHO Magazine to enhance audience’s perception and public relation of tourism places in Thailand was able to enhance the perception of the audience and used for public relation on tourism in Thailand. Keywords - Photo Sharing Website / OSOTHO Magazine / Perception / Public Relation / Tourism Places in Thailand