Paper Title
Ranking Distance Learning Related Risks in High Education

Taking the increasing importance of risk-based thinking and importance of improving ways of getting education, this paper aims at boosting knowledge about risks in high education. In line with this, the rank of specific risks in online education according to their importance from the student’s point of view is pointed out. Since teaching process was observed as the main process of online education in High Education Institutions (HEI), we conducted the questionnaire to establish the rank of risks related to this process. The research also aims at identifying best methods for avoiding these risks. This can help HEI to identify possible risks in order to improve their teaching processes by using the best methods. Based on received 71 responses to the questionnaire, using t-test and SPSS software, three the most important risks are pointed out: lack of self-regulation and self-motivation in online environment, sense of isolation by students and low quality of communication with teachers. Also, it is considered in the paper if there are differences in ranking risks’ importance between different groups of students. Keywords- Risks, Importance, E-learning, Distance learning, Teaching process.