Paper Title
Effectiveness of Teacher Professional Allowances in Teacher Primary School Professionalism

SUTAN SYAHRIR. Effectiveness of Teacher Professional Allowances in Teacher Primary School Professionalism. Professional teachers will produce a good quality in educational processes and outcomes in order to create a smart and competitive Indonesian society, as mandated by the national education system legislation. In the realization, the responsibility needs to be more emphasized and put forward, because now days, many educators who have not maximized in carrying out their duties because they have not mastered the professional competence and some are smart and skilled but have no responsibility in practice the knowledge and skills and it has, so often, cause problems. This study was conducted to determine: the utilization and impact of teacher professional allowance in the professionalism of elementary school teachers. With the professionalism certification to the teachers, they are expected to increase their competence in fulfilling their duty to provide good teaching quality, increase teacher competence in both pedagogic competence, professional competence, personality competence and social competence. Assessment of the impact of teacher certification on improving school quality is seen from the aspect of program planning, implementation of work plan, improvement of learning process, improvement of teacher competence, and utilization of certification allowance. The type of research is qualitative research. This aims of the study was to conduct in-depth study of the utilization of teacher professional allowances to the professionalism of elementary school teachers, resulting in well-organized and complete information. There are two main purposes, (i) describing and revealing and (ii) describing and explaining. In qualitative research methods, the data generated in the form of written or written words of the object being interviewed or observed is the main data source. Research that organizes the problems that exist in the present by describing the object of the problem by collecting, compiling, analyzing, and interpreting into the form of reports. The results of the study: (i) The utilization of certification allowances did not have a significant impact on improving professionalism, but for personal or lifestyle interests and only a small percentage of teachers continued their studies and attended educational seminars; (ii) the impact of teacher professional allowances on quality improvement, the certified teacher's discipline is high because it has to meet 24 hours of teaching each week, although there are still some competency teachers who have not too different before and after receiving teacher professional allowance; (iii) the use of technology and the internet in learning is still low even though some are already using technology. The utilization of teachers' professional allowance solutions needs to be tightened in their supervision to improve professionals and be made specific rules for the regulation of their use. Keywords - Effectiveness, Teacher Professional Allowance, And Professionalism.