Paper Title
Matlab Graphical User Interface for Solving the Right Spherical Triangle Problem

This research presents the development of computer software using MATLAB graphical user interface (MATLAB GUI) for solving the right spherical triangle problem and applied to teaching of spherical trigonometry subject. The research process consists of four phases; analysis, design and create, evaluation and testing. In addition, the statistics analysis was used to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction of students. The sample was 100 students who enrolled in Spherical Trigonometry class at Survey school, Bangkok, Thailand. As a result, the develop GUI can be solve the right spherical triangle problem and applied for teaching students efficiently. The mean score of the group assisted with learning using GUI is significantly higher than that without using GUI at the level of .05. The students who received the treatment also showed quite a satisfaction towards the GUI. The topics with the extremely satisfaction are the consistent of the content, solve the problem accurately, and the convenience to use. Index Terms - Graphical User Interface, MATLAB, Right Spherical Triangle.