Paper Title
Collaboration With Governmental Stakeholders In Positioning Reputation On Value

The concept of reputation in corporate development comes to the fore as one of the most frequently discussed topics in recent years. Many organizations, which make worldwide investments, make effort in order to adapt themselves to the topics within the scope of this concept and to promote the name of the organization through the values that might become prominent. The stakeholder groups are considered as the most important actors determining reputation. Even, the effect of stakeholders is not evaluated as a direct factor, it is signed as indirect effects of their perception are very strong on ultimate reputation. It is foreseen that the parallelism between the projected reputation and ultimate reputation, which is established as a result of communication experiences perceived by stakeholders, has an important effect on achieving this objective. Within this scope, this paper aims to examine the latest dynamics of reputation in the aspect of stakeholders. The main difference of this study is containing different stakeholders’ point of view about the components that create the corporate reputation. Despite the fact, the other aspects of the reputation are studied widely, the communication aspect of reputation was not discussed enough. Under the umbrella of reputation components, this paper is an inspiring resource for positioning reputational value by using the influences of social stakeholders and collaboration with governmental stakeholders. Index Terms - Collaborative Communication, Reputation Management, Stakeholders Engagement, Ultimate Reputation.