Paper Title
The Relative Researches of Only Children and Children With Siblings in Taiwan: Ameta-Analysis

This meta-analysis included 20 studies involving about 14,090 individuals and 30 outcomes. The question addressed was whether “only child or non-only child” is associated with relative factors of the past quantitative literature in Taiwan and what the strength of these relations are. The researchers analyzed the possible moderators and proposed a possible model. The main results were found: (i)In the aspect of self-concept, "only children or children with siblings " were significant on family self-concept and school self-concept, children with siblings were better than only children, and according to Cohen’s(1977) conventional criteria, the effect size was medium; however, there was no significant relationship between "only children or children with siblings " and the appearance self-concept, body self-concept, and emotional self-concept;(ii)In school life adaptation, "only child or children with siblings " were significant on learning adaptation , routine adaptation, peers relationship and teacher-student relationship , children with siblings were better than only children, but the effect size is small; ; (iii)In the aspect of attachment, there was no significant relationship between "only children or children with siblings " and their attachment with fathers or attachment with mothers.(iv)In the aspect of social behavior, there was no significant relationship between "only children or children with siblings " and their prosocial behavior. Key Words- only child, meta-analysis