Paper Title
Investigating The Link of Intertextual Awareness and Summary Response Essays

Abstract- It is a general problem faced by language teachers today, whether to focus on accuracy or fluency. Both accuracy and fluency are equally two important factors which can determine the success of second language learners However, traditional writing classes are designed to focus on a structural approach where context is neglected and accuracy gains more importance than fluency and flowness, and intertextuality is almost forgotten. Literature on writing indicates that lecture based learning in essay teaching is more widespread than tutored problem based learning in Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries between curriculum designers, implementers and teachers. Due to the fact that the education system is more examination oriented in those countries, students have to tackle with grammar mistakes and writing thoroughly and thoughtfully through making connections is almost a dream. Thus why are we neglecting students’ voices in the writing classes? This study investigates if intertextuality, the awareness of links and the elaboration of those links, can be taught using a particular methodology. To investigate the effectiveness of intertextuality, we examined the link of intertextual way of teaching and summary response essays. In order to apply this in a reliable way, two writing professors designed a stimulating writing curriculum where students can gain a voice and also reduce their grammar mistakes where fluency and accuracy can go hand in hand. The students annotated, discussed, and wrote summary-responses about multiple texts, the primary intervention being the use of intertextual questions to guide student learning and response in relation to the texts used in the study. We had 23 participants for this class. The main data collection was done through document analysis throughout 10 weeks. At the beginning of the semester we gathered students’ first self- assessment papers and throughout the semester we accumulated each learners’ five summary response essays. At the end of the semester students were asked to write their final self-assessment papers. One instructor who is giving the class used a weekly journal; the other one coordinated and monitored the progress of the students. The journals included dual data; one is the description of the class and the other one is detailed student progress written by the main instructor. Main themes were derived from the students’ papers; the improvement of intertextual thinking, the skill of analyzing and synthesizing and emergent narrative-inspired writing. Since instructor’s journal portfolio process is still progressing, the data is not ready to be pulled. The study will be completed and ready to be shared at the beginning of January 2018. Index Terms- essay writing, fluency,Intertextuality summary-response essay