Paper Title
Vitamin D Levels In Mother Baby Pairs: A Cross-Sectional Prospective Study In A Rwandan Tertiary Hospital

Introduction: The sunlight contributes up to 90% of vitamin D production but pregnant women, especially in the final trimester, may experience vitamin D deficiency. This study aimed at exploring Vitamin D status in mother baby pair and associated factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional prospective study conducted on mother baby pairs at Rwanda Military Hospital, one of the referral hospitals between June and August 2014. Consented mothers coming for their last antenatal consultation, in labour and neonates referred from other centres before 24 hours of life were included. Demographic, clinical and biological data were considered as predictors, whereas 25 Hydroxy vitamin D level was considered as outcome variable. Univariate analysis and bivariate analysis were done to evaluate the association between predictors and the outcome. Results: The majority of neonates (65%) and 38% of mothers were found to be vitamin D deficient (<75nmol/ml). Having had a meal rich in vitamin D in the last 24 hours and in the last week were associated to adequate vitamin D levels. There is a strong positive correlation between maternal and neonate 25 Hydroxy vitamin D levels (r= 0.760). Conclusions: We observed a high rate of vitamin D deficiency in mother baby pairs at Rwanda Military Hospital. Emphasis should be put in education for families to be considering sun exposure and vitamin D rich meals. Keywords - Vitamin D. Neonates. Pregnant women. Rwanda tertiary hospital.