Paper Title
Coffee Preference among Young People in Bandung

Data from AEKI (Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters and Producers) showed that coffee industry in Indonesia is booming in the last ten years, which can be seen from the number of new coffee shops in big cities. The increase in domestic coffee consumption is also supported by society lifestyle in coffee consumption. The increasing number of coffee shop in Bandung led to fierce competition among coffee producers. These coffee producers compete to produce coffee with the best flavor. Taste is an important factor of good coffee and also the main consideration when consumers choose coffee beans. There are many researches about consumer preference, yet little has been written about coffee bean preferences in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the consumer preference towards Indonesian coffee beans.This study used a qualitative approach by using semi-structured interview in the beginning to identify the most known coffee beans by local consumers. To analyze the qualitative data, we did the analysis manually and also use ATLAS as our qualitative data analysis software. Keywords - Coffee, Coffee shops, Consumer preference, Roasting, Origin