Paper Title
Vector Borne Diseases in Climate Ethnography Perspective

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment and human daily activities. The effect of global warming and climate change is changing the season, including flooding in some areas but very dry in other areas, changing the temperature and humidity. Anthropogenic climate change may directly affect the behavior and geographical distribution of malaria mosquitoes and parasite life cycle, thus change the incidence of disease. Inter-relationship between climate system, mosquito, human population, and culture pose a major challenge to indigenous communities. We discuss the evidence required to attribute changes health sector to the early effects of anthropogenic climate change. The literature to date indicates that there is a lack of strong evidence of the impact of climate change on vector–borne diseases (i.e. malaria, dengue). Although, early climate and culture studies were mainly founded in archaeology and environmental anthropology with the advent of climate change, anthropology's roles have expanded to engage local to global contexts. Considering both the unprecedented urgency and new level of reflexivity that climate change ushers in, anthropologists need to adopt cross-scale, multi-stakeholder, and interdisciplinary approaches in research and practice. This research will contribute significantly to relevant disciplines and I argue for one mode that anthropologists should pursue the development of critical collaborative, multi-sited ethnography, which I term “climate ethnography”.This research combines extensive literature study and fieldwork in two tribes in Indonesia. Based on result of the research, indigenous specific health indicators useful to Indigenous Communities who are assessing climate change sensitivities adaptation plans. Keywords - Climate, Health, Indigenous People