Paper Title
Tensile Capacity Estimation of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete

This study estimates the reliability and safety of different equations to predict the concrete tensile capacities (direct tensile strength, splitting tensile strength andmodulus of rupture) using a comprehensible database including 361 lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) and 1,335 normal-weightconcrete (NWC).The presentdatabase shows that the tensile capacities of concrete significantly depend on its unit weight as well as its compressive strength. As a result, theinconsistency between experiments and predictions by the different models increases when the concrete unit weight isbelow 2,100 kg/m3 and concrete compressive strength is below 50 MPa. Based on the regression analysis using datasets, simple losed-form equations are formulated for determining the various concrete tensile capacities. Keywords – Light weight Aggregate Concrete, Tensile Capacity, Code Equation, Concrete Unit Weight.