Paper Title
The Association Between Ppraisal Of Stress And Psychological Well-Being In Family Caregivers Of Stroke Survivors

The present study is an attempt to examine the correlation between caregiver’s appraisal of stress and their psychological well being among caregivers’ of stroke survivors In Shiraz-Iran. The overall study sample included 120 family caregivers who were caring for severe impaired stroke survivors. Participants were recruited from neurological departments at two large referral hospitals in Shiraz-Iran. Caregiver’s psychological well-being was assessed based on the score of 18-Items Index of psychological well-being. Revised caregiver appraisal scale (RCAS) was used to assess caregiver appraisal. The Pearson correlation coefficient technique and regression analysis were used to search whether there is a relationship between variables. The age of caregivers ranged from 19 to 62 with a mean of 36.9 (SD=10. 8) years, 64.6% of caregivers were daughters of older stroke patients. A significant negative relationship was found between caregiver’s threat appraisal scores and psychological well being (r =-0.231, P = 023), marital status (r =-0.213, P = 037), and level of education(r =-0.211, P = 039). Regression model explained 11.8% of the variance in the level of caregivers appraisal by these variables. Caregiver’s threat appraisal and characteristics assume as determinant of psychological well being among caregivers of elderly people.