Paper Title
Wind Turbine Cooling: The State-of-The-Art Review

With improving the equipment, production system, calculation software and measuring system using renewable energy is not limited to using the renewable sources and producing power while most recently researches focused on improving efficiency both first and second efficiency and developing heat energy storage and waste heat resource recovery. During the past decades wind turbines are the one of the most important source of renewable energies and their size became increasingly large. one of the important part of every wind turbines are their rotating parts. These parts produce a considerable heat which should be removed from the turbine to prevent failure of the part or whole turbine. Beside organic Rankine cycles a kind of Rankine cycles which use organic fluids produce power from low to high grade waste heat. In this study, wind turbine cooling completely reviewed and discussed. At the last part a new approach of wind turbine cooling proposed. Keywords- organic Rankine cycles, wind turbines, cooling systems, renewable energies.