Paper Title
Interference Studies for Cadmium Determination Using Solid Phase Extraction With Slotted Quartz Tube Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (Sqt-Faas)

In this study, the two steps preconcentration method was applied for the determination of trace amount of Cd(II) and intereference effect of some ions on Cd determination using slotted quartz tube flame atomic absorption spectrometry (SQT-FAAS) was investigated in detail. In the first procentration step, Amberlite CG-120 resin had been used. After the separation and preconcentration of Cd(II), slotted quartz tube (SQT) was used to determine the Cd(II). In this part, SQT was used as the second preconcentration step. Some experimental parameters influence the seperation and preconcentration of the Cd(II) in the two steps preconcentration method were optimized, separately. The detection limits were found as 0.1 µg/L.