Paper Title
The Novel Positioning System Based On Coverage Elimination In Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless sensor networks have popularly applied in many fields for environmental monitoring. Positioning the target is the critical issue in the monitoring application. Many positioning methods used for wireless communication use the Trilateration positioning technique to locate the target. Triangulation positioning is not suitable for the sensor nodes because the sensor nodes cannot get correct distance from received signal strength. Thus, this paper proposed a novel positioning method named Coverage Elimination Positioning System (CEPS). The CEPS locates the area of target without using the distance estimation but using the area elimination technique. Simulation results show that CEPS obtains higher positioning accuracy than TP when sensor nodes are deployed densely. Furthermore, the CEPS is also better than the Angle of Arrival (AoA) positioning method. The possible area is reducing more than 30%. Keywords - Positioning System, Coverage Elimination, Wireless Sensor Networks.