Paper Title
Academic Achievement Of OBC Rural Secondary School Students In Relation To Their Socio-Economic Status, Adjustment And Emotional Intelligence

In the present investigation an attempt has been made to study the Academic Achievement of the OBC secondary school student in relation to their Adjustment and Emotional Intelligence. The sample consisted of 600 hundred 9 th students of Vijayapur District. The Academic Achievement is the marks scored by the students in their previous class have been collected and Adjustment tool by A.K.P Sinha and R.P.Singh and Emotional Intelligence by S.K Mangal and Shubhra Mangal. The statistical techniques used are the result shows that OBC secondary school students with high Adjustment and Emotional Intelligence have higher Academic Achievement score. The OBC girl students have higher Adjustment and Emotional Intelligence scores as compared to OBC boy students Vijayapur District. The OBC students of aided secondary schools have higher Adjustment and Emotional Intelligence scores as compared to unaided and government secondary schools of Vijayapur District. The present study is to provide knowledge and skills are needs to understand the secondary school OBC student�s emotional intelligent and socio-economic status and adjustment relation. How these variables influence on their academic achievement is the focus on OBC student studying in rural area of five talukas of Vijayapur District Karnataka. The study aims to find out socio economic status of the students and their difficulties and problem faced by many students, few studies have been carried out in this area but no in depth study have been carried out in vijayapura District. Hence the study has been taken up .Socio economic status could be understand to comprise various compounds and the family is the most important one in them. In this respect the size of the family is also an most important factor to be considered . The most important material factor is income of head Keywords - Adjustment, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of the study