Paper Title
Prevalence Of Communication Between Axillary Nerve And Radial Nervein Human Adult Cadavers

Axillary nerve and radial nerve are branches from posterior cord of brachial plexus which supply different muscles and skin of different regions in the upper limb. Any communication between them can be credited to alterations in the signaling pathway which induce the formation of those muscles from mesenchymal cells and the neuronal growth factors during embryonic life. Though communication between musculocutaneous and median nerve or ulnar nerve are frequently described reports of communication between axillary and radial nerve are very rare. Therefore the present study was focused on the same to observe the incidence of such type of communication. Twenty upper limbs were used for the present study and observed for normal course as well as any communications of axillary nerve with radial nerve. Key words: Radial Nerve, Axillary Nerve, Communication, Variations, Brachial Plexus