Paper Title
Denial of Service Attack on D2D Communication For 4G

Along with rapid improvement and wide application, LTE-based device-to-device communications have received significant attention by both theacademic world and industry. In D2D communication, communication is done in a small area over the direct link by transmitting data signal without any station. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are smaller models of D2D communication. The models of D2D communication are Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct etc. This advanced and innovative technology is still under development in thecase of its security and quality of service. Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks stop un-authenticated users from using the services being provided. With the growing denial of service attacks on network infrastructure, the development of techniques to evaluate the threat of attacks on D2D communication network security online is urgently needed. The basic aim of this project is to highlight the security issues especially DoS attacks within thedevice to device communication and to find out appropriate security practices that could be implementedto secure this communication network. In this paper, techniques like firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) will be discussed to resolve these issues and to make the D2D communication more secure and reliable for users. Keywords- Network Security; Threat Assessment; Denial of Service Attacks; Intrusion Detection Systems; Device to Device Communication Networks; LT