Paper Title
The Financial Issues Facing the Entrepreneurial Ventures �Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBS)�- Housing Industry in Jordan

It is now generally agreed that Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) are one of the key engines of growth in many developing countries due its contribution to employment creation. In this paper, it is argued that SMBs cannot grow financially or succeed unless they are entrepreneurial. With this opinion in mind, this paper proposed that determination must be placed on the development of entrepreneurial behavior in SMBs if growth in Jordan is to be accomplished. The evolving outline of business in Jordan is that SMBs will continue to be the foundation of jobs and growth of the economy. Many studies have been undertaken and have identified numerous problems related toSMBs such as: lack of finance along with lack of access to it, lack of market information, and lack of managerial skills. However,little attention has been paid to entrepreneurship which is the fundamental factor to the development of any business. Entrepreneurship is the ability to seek out opportunities and turn them to profitable businesses. The let-down of businesses in Jordan, particularly this significant sector, has been recognized to many factors some of which are management and political interference. The failure of many corporations has also been attributed to the entrepreneurial factor. Keywords- Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs), entrepreneurial, Entrepreneurship, numerous problems