Paper Title
Making Sense In Negative Or Positive Employment-Choice Decisions In Hong Kong Graduate Labor Market

There could be an array of influencing factors on university graduates� job seeking decision. These factors can be inherent or external. Cultural background and Corporate Social Responsibility Orientation (�CSRO�) could be among these. Meanwhile the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility (�CSR�) and CSRO are still developing, differing due to ethnicity, culture, time and national differences. That in Hong Kong, the concept of CSR having only started to emerge and taking shape during the last couple of decades, coupled with its multi ethnicity/cultural background, poses an interesting arena and gap for this present research. Positive or negative employment decisions reflect employer attractiveness in job applicants� (soon-to-graduate students or graduates) perception which they consider important , which may include a variety of factors, such as prospective employers� products, organizational scale of operations, organizational culture, organizational reputation and image, and their ethical standards. In recent years, we have seen both employers and employees (potential or current) place increasing importance on an organization�s social responsibility. Understanding how they make sense in the job search/application will definitely contribute to academic knowledge development in this area as well as practical considerations in the labor market. That is the objective and topic of the present research. Keywords- Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility Orientation, Employment Decisions, Graduate Labor Market