Paper Title
Study Of Civic Culture In Magibung Tradition Of Civic Society In Pakraman Village, Seraya, Bali

This study was conducted to examine the values contained in the tradition magibung in Pakraman Seraya as a civic culture. This study used a qualitative approach, ethnographic research methods. This research was carried out for two months through any stages, such as; the data collection, the data reduction, data presentation, and final conclusion. In terms of data validity, it was tested using triangulation techniques. This research was located in Pakraman Seraya, Karangasem district, Karangasem, Bali Province. Subjects in this study were selected by techniques pusposive sample, for example they are able to provide information needed, they are: (1) Senior figures (panglingsir) in Pakraman Seraya community (2) Bendesa of Pakraman Seraya, (3) inhabitans of Pakraman related to provide information about the focus of the research that will be examined. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and participation.`This research revealed that the values contained in magibung tradition is in accordance with the value of Indonesia civic culture & ideology, namely the value of the Godhead, the value of humanity, unity, deliberation representatives and social justice. This value was explained as the value of civic culture which includes the value of mutual cooperation, mutual help, tolerance and emancipation, togetherness, saling asah � asih - asuh, responsible, dicipline and obey the rules. Keywords: Magibung tradition, civic culture. Keywords� Magibung tradition, civic culture.