Paper Title
Physicians� Perception And Practices Towards E-Transfer And Confidentiality Issues Of Patient Information: A Cross Sectional Study

The value of IT (Information Technology) to organizations has been a continuous topic of discussion since computers were introduced into organizations. Privacy of information collected during healthcare processes is necessary because of significant economic, psychological and social harm that can come to individuals when personal health information is disclosed. The current study is an effort to explore the perception and practices of 182 physicians towards e-transfer of patient information, consent and confidentiality issues in the selected tertiary care hospital. Questionnaire containing 10 questions related to perception and practices related to confidentiality of patient information was used as a tool. The study clearly showed the diversity in the perception and practices of physicians of current healthcare setting. Sincere attempts need to be made to address the value and processes of medical ethics at the institutional level and academic programs should aim at making the physicians aware of legal rights of the patients, informed consent, confidentiality and privacy. Key words- health information, e-transfer, physicians, confidentiality, perception, practices