Paper Title
Glass Ceiling Syndrome and Women in Top Management: Case of Botswana

Today, more women than ever are entering the business world but the majority of top management positions in almost all countries are primarily held by men. Female managers generally tend to be concentrated in lower management positions men(Catalyst, 1991; Ganıyusufoglu, 2014). The recent research studies show that there is an increase of woman participation in business life, but this participation generally is not seen in senior-level management but generally seen in in low-levels. The glass ceiling was a concept usually applied to women and some minorities. It was very hard, if not impossible, for them to reach upper management positions. No matter how qualified or experienced, they simply were not given opportunities to further advance their careers. On the other hand, today, there are many more women and minorities in powerful positions. However, the glass ceiling is still very real. But, it's not always limited to gender or race (, 04.08.2015). This paper, examines the glass ceiling syndrome and women in top management with case of Botswana. Keywords� Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Women, Top Management, Botswana.