Paper Title
Comparision of Online and Offline Impact on MOOC Learning

This paper lists the problems, challenges faced by the serious learners of MOOC, focusing on edX platform. Initially, the general criticisms on MOOC are identified. These criticisms are broadly classified as (a) Criticisms by teachers, and experts (b) Criticisms by learners, and (c) Criticisms on peer-grading. The paper also questions, the importance of �Offline� learning rather than being �Online� during the learning process. The challenges listed are shared experience of learner(s), and of those who have successfully completed several MOOCs. The four major challenges identified are: (a) low bandwidth problems, (b) localization of course materials, (c) ambiguous quiz or homework deadlines, and (d) non-linear organization of course materials. These obstacles and challenges can be considered as a suggestion for future MOOC developers or benchmark to evaluate student engagement with MOOCs. Index terms- MOOC, engagement, criticism, online, offline, localization, non-linearity.