Paper Title
Cybercrime Fighting Readiness Evaluation Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

Since the first cybercrime was recorded in 1820 and with the fast growth of the Internet usage and computerized systems, it has become critical to know what the affect that cybercrimes may cause. Organizations have to estimate their readiness to fight such kind of crimes by determining the main significant factors that may affect their readiness level. Upon that they work on enhancing the low-weighted factors. This paper provides a new approach of evaluation method to Cybercrimes fighting readiness using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The major idea of this paper lies in showing how to identify the readiness of an organization to fight Cybercrimes and how to determine the critical factors that affect this readiness, and the weights (relative importance) of the factors for the goal (Cybercrime fighting) and for each other hence reaching the percentage of readiness level of Cybercrime fighting for an organization. It is important to note that the factors are provided by the organization and depend on the setup that the organization uses to reduce the potential risk that may come from cybercrimes. Finally, to clarify the proposed idea and as a proof of concept, a case study is illustrated in the paper. The paper takes the Royal Jordanian Airlines in particular the Information Technology department as a case study showing details and results so as to arrive at conclusions. Keywords- Cybercrime, AHP, Decision Making, and Fighting Readiness.