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Abstract:- Background - As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, many pediatricians and infants' parents have been left with renewed questions about the consequences of infection on children and steps to be taken if their child has symptoms of, or tests positive for, COVID-19. Methods & Results: Literature reviews and recent studies revealed that children are better than adults at combating SARS –CoV-2. There was conflicting evidence on age-related differences in ACE2 expression in the nose and lungs. However, measurements of SARS-CoV-2 viral load' have shown no clear difference. Strikingly, cross-reactive antibodies from previous exposure to coronavirus common cold do not offer any special protection in both children and adults. The kid's immune response against SARS- CoV-2 infection is initiated with low immunological tone to prevent overactive immunity and is characterized by rapid lung damage repair in contrast to stormy waves in adults. Omicron variant surge threatened to change the kid’s immune story, as more children were hospitalized, however, even with more Omicron cases, severe illness among infected kids remains extremely rare. Conclusion: One of the few silver linings of the COVID-19 pandemic is that children are relatively spared and winning with their immunity. Keywords - Kids; COVID-19; ACE2; Innate Immunity; Cytokine Storm; Omicron Surge