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Abstract: - Since its discovery in the early seventies, ferritin addressed as a surrogate marker of iron storage in the human body. By the late seventies, ferritin was shown to be increased in acute infections. Later on, elevated ferritin levels were shown to play role in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The behavior of ferritin in patients with severe COVID-19 and the subsequent high mortality rates in patients with high ferritin levels entail revealing the role and pathogenic implications of ferritin from inflammatory and autoimmune diseases to Covid-19. Recent Findings Literature reviews and studies during the pandemic of COVID-19, chased away ferritin into the controversy regarding its role in various inflammatory diseases and Covid-19.Recent findings ascertain ferritin to serve as a marker of severity and prognostic factor of COVID-19. Admittedly, ferritin being an acute phase reactant per se seems to be an unsatisfactory explanation. The current knowledge declares that in response to severe interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and host immunity, cytokines stimulation induced the production of defense proteins by the liver, including C-reactive protein and ferritin. Importantly, ferritin promotes further pro-inflammatory mediator release, increasing the inflammatory burden and resulting in a vicious cycle. Subsequently, ferritin levels progressed from a prognostic point of view, to serve as a severity risk factor in Covid-19 patients. COVID-19 has brought ferritin back again to the attention of researchers and is one of the interesting consequences of this novel viral infection. Therefore, ferritin shifts from being the sole surrogate of iron storage through inflammatory biomarkers and pro-inflammatory mediator release in various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases to Covid-19. A strong correlation between elevated ferritin levels and the severity of COVID-19 was reported during the pandemic. Moreover, in Cvoid-19 increased ferritin levels carry a poor prognosis and are shown to have a longer period for viral clearance as well as a longer hospital stay. Keywords: Ferritin, İron Storage, Inflammatory Diseases, Covid-19