Paper Title
African Literary Communication

This paper entitled African Literary Communication centers on the way of transmitting message as well as the language African writers use or should use in their literary productions. It purports not only on revealing the implementation of African literary communication but also on assessing controversial views on the choice of language in writing African literature. However, it is obvious that the choice of language and the use to which language is put is central to a people’s definition of themselves in relation not only for their natural and social environment but also in relation to the entire universe. Hence language has always been at the heart of the two contending social forces in Africa of the twentieth century. This stemmed from the Berlin Conference (1884) when western civilization and culture began to creep into African socio-cultural milieu, in the quest for imperial pilfering of African resources. Accordingly, the African literary communication is a cultural issue that in the current work aims at analyzing the language(s) used by African writers in their writings. However, the probing of this issue reveals that African writers were compelled to use the colonizer’s languages in their writings rather than their own and diverging points of view are given about the use of these languages. In this controversial context, I couldn’t help suggesting recommendations as part of my contribution to the debate. Keywords – African Literary Communication, African Writer, Colonizer, Literature, Language.