Paper Title
Three Point Bending Test Research of Carbon Fibre Composites Incorporating Nanoclay

In this study different proportions nanoclay(NC) has been added to the epoxy matrix materials. The generated matrix nanoclay mixture to the 12 sheets carbon fiber is injected by vacuum infusion method. In scanning electron microscope it is observed to have adhered to the fiber strand nanoclay. Based on the nanoclay weight of the mixture, The increases and decreases in three-point bending tests have been examined. Three-point bending tests have been studied according to ASTM D7264/D7264M-07 (Standart Test Method for Flexural Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials), the highest increase in the flexural strain, which is measured in a 5% addition of the NC sample. Keywords� Nanoclay, Three Point Bending Test, Carbon Fiber Composite, Flexural Stress.