Paper Title
Intellectual Capital and Start-UP´s: Are they Together Related Each Other in Some Way?

This research aims to know to what extent the 2 topics of intellectual capital and start-up´s are related to each other and in what direction or directions. It was concluded that the review of the selected literature proved not to be clear on the subject. On the contrary, it proved to be divergent, with confused relationships, and which constituted approaches of a less fruitful scientific nature and of broadening scientific knowledge, in the area of the 2 topics, below what would be desirable. One of the great obvious features is the fact that its practical replication is almost impossible or difficult to apply. Therefore, the interest that it assumes is also small, both for the scientific community and for the contexts that concern them. No great evolutions were found with the consulted literature, even that of more recent dates, so that new guidelines are imposed in order to obtain papers with more usefulness, above all, in practice. Keywords - Intellectual Capital, Start-Up´s, Performance, Entrepreneurship