Paper Title
Factors Affecting a Green Supermarket

Being a green supermarket is indicative of the supermarket’s efficiency that might reduce negative impacts while enhance positive impacts on the society, environment, economy and organizational image. The green supermarket also indicates its sustainability and a focal point for internal management. The level of green supermarket obtained from green evaluation also be used as a guide to organize the importance of supermarket operations lead to respond to the needs of the stakeholders with the best efficiency. Nowadays, there may be some tools that measure green supermarket, but they cannot measure them properly, and they are difficult to implement and unable to cover all green aspects such as exergy and energy analysis, life cycle assessment, green industry evaluation, green office evaluation, green building evaluation, green growth evaluation, supermarkets scorecard, etc. However, green supermarket evaluation needs references from direct indicators of the green supermarket which currently there is no one who has developed it.Furthermore, the development of green supermarket indicators is referenced from factors affecting a green supermarket, which are likewise not developed and examined. This article therefore aims to present the factors affecting a green supermarket as obtained by quantitative research approach using structural equation modeling and multiple regression analysis. It is found that factors affecting a green supermarket are five context factors, eleven input factors, five green processes and four green outputs. Keywords - Green Supermarket, Green Outputs, Green Processes, Context Factors, Input Factors