Paper Title
Role Model Choice Habits of Primary School and University Students in an International Perspective

By the XXI. century, we are always online thanks to the available modern telecommunication tools, so certain concepts, results and value systems are therefore revalued.This change, which involves loss of value as well, is present in all areas of life and has an impact on the morality and value perception of the growing generation. Material and method The purpose of the study is on the one hand to present and analyse the changes in values of today's society. On the other hand, its purpose is to give a picture of the role model choices of today's young people. As a test method, we used a questionnaire survey method besides exploring the domestic and international literature. A total of 687 people participated in the survey. The study was conducted with the participation of six countries, including four in Europe - Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, and Serbia - and two outside Europe - Malaysia and Kenya. Our hypotheses: H1: It is assumed that most of the young people have an athlete role model. H2: It is assumed that in Kenya and Malaysia there is a significantly higher proportion of those who choose athlete role models and they are chosen along positive values. H3: It is assumed that, due to social, economic, and cultural disparities, I can show significant differences in the choice of role models for young people surveyed in Central and Eastern European and non-European countries. As a result, the habits of athlete role model choice among the interviewed young people of six countries becomes comparable. We get a clearer picture of the values along which young people choose an orientation person. Keywords - Role Model, Values, Change in Value, Internationalization