Paper Title
Spray Pyrolysis Synthesis of TiO2/reduced GO Thin Film and Study Enhanced the Band Gap of TiO2

This study employed the spray pyrolysis technique to synthesizeTiO2/rGOcomposite thin film, with the aim of determining possible changes in the energy band gap ofTiO2 with the inclusion of 3wt% of reduced graphene oxide(rGO). Thin films were successfully prepared on glass substrate at 150⁰C, with the 3wt% of GO dispersion source. X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM), Raman Spectroscopyand UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometry were used to characterize the morphology, crystallinity and optical properties of the thin films. The XRD and FE-SEM and EDX confirm the presence of rGO in the thin film. Tauc’s plot showed that energy band gap decreased with the addition of graphene, which may be attributed to thereflection induced by the planar structure of graphene. Keywords - Thin Film, Reduced Graphene Oxide, Spray Pyrolysis,Titanium Oxide (TiO2), Band Gap.