Paper Title
Socialization Tactics and Newcomer Orientation Effectiveness

Talent development has become an important issue among high-performing organization. Training is utilized to improve employees’ job performance by building new skills developing organizational commitment. For newcomers, an effective orientation program is the key to helping them gain knowledge about their positions and organizational goals and values. Therefore, human resource has the responsibility to design orientation activities that help newcomers quickly adapt to their organization and understand how to perform their jobs. Compared with training, newcomer orientation plays an important role in socializing new employees into appropriate attitudes and behaviors. Socialization tactics will influence the anxiety and pressure of newcomers to adapt to the new environment. In this regard, Van Mannen & Schein’s(1979) socialization tactics are discussed in this study. Besides, Kirkpatrick’s (1959) training effectiveness evaluation model is used. The four levels of training outcomes are reaction, learning, behavior, and results. These evaluation outcomes can be seem as the indicators of improvement for the training. This study aims to explore the relationship between socialization tactics and newcomer orientation effectiveness in a high-tech company. In doing so, a semi-structure interview is used to collect empirical data. The study participants were six engineers. Four are test engineers and two are R & D engineers. The age distribution ranges from 25 to 29, and the company's seniority distribution ranges from 8 months to 3 years. The research results indicated that (1) general courses are suitable for adopting institutional socialization tactics, but it is necessary to strengthen the connection between the training content and the behavior and results in the training effectiveness. (2) Special courses of new test engineers are suitable for taking institutional socialization tactics. (3) Special courses of new R&D engineers are suitable for taking individual socialization tactics.¬¬¬ The difference between this study and previous studies lies in the cross-department discussion of socialization tactics and training effectiveness. For future suggestions, in terms of general courses, the company can discuss with department leaders which courses are really needed by each department and which are suitable to be designed in the special courses. In terms of special courses, companies should focus on the nature of work and adopt appropriate social tactics to achieve good training results. Keywords - Newcomer Orientation, Socialization Tactics, Training Effectiveness