Paper Title
Challenges in Achieving Durable Solution for Internally Displaced Persons : Cases of Georgia and Ukraine

The problem of internally displaced persons (IDPs) has been gaining more attention on the part of the international community in recent decades. Partly because of the efforts of the human rights organisations in the 1990s which advocated that human rights transcend the borders of the nation-states, and that the international community has to provide aid to the unprotected by national law groups. This is how the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement were adopted in 1998. Georgia and Ukraine have been at the forefront of dealing with the problem of internal displacement. However, the Georgian case has been more successful than the Ukrainian one even though these two countries share a lot of similar characteristics in the context of historical legacy. Internal displacement is closely connected with the notion of human security and the inability to reach a durable solution signifies failure to provide human security for those affected. This paper is based on a university-based project “(Post)-Conflict Management of Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia and Ukraine” conducted by T.Barrett, A.Darabegashvili, G. Iarynych, K. Matvienko and A. Pusch. Using the “Most Similar Cases” model and comparing two countries, this project aims at shedding light on the reasons Georgia has been more successful than Ukraine. Assessing comparatively the attempts of the Georgian and Ukrainian governments through the notion of human security, one can help in reaching a durable solution. The results reveal that the challenges which NGOs, governments and international community have to deal with, depend on a number of factors such as the scale of the problem, the qualifications of the IDPs in the world of work and the credibility of data on the numbers of IDPs. These factors are crucial on the way of reaching a durable solution and ensuring human security of the IDPs. Keywords - Durable Solution, Georgia, Human Security, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), Post-Conflict Management, Ukraine.