Paper Title
The Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Methods in Teaching Science in Kuwait Schools

This study is focussed to exploring the effectiveness of teaching and learning methods in teaching science in Kuwait schools. It aims also to find out what are the obstacles of implementing it from the students and science teachers’ viewpoint. The study includes 133 questionnaires and 10 interviews which has been carried out at primary schools in Kuwait by science teachers and students to reach the findings of this study. The aim of this study is to contribute in filling the gap of the knowledge about the effectiveness of teaching and learning in Kuwait schools and to investigate the current case of the teaching and learning science in classroom in Kuwait school. The study finding noticed that most of teaching and learning method which used in Kuwait school was the direct teaching and learning and most of science teachers did not have more ideas the different teaching methods which may use in teaching science. The finding showed that the science teachers faced some obstacles which hinder use different teaching and learning methods in the classroom. Also, the finding showed that most of students prefer to study science lessons by groups with each other’s and they prefer the practical lessons more than the theoretical lessons. Therefore, the researcher thinks that some additional efforts must be exerted to clarify the situation of different teaching and learning methods in primary schools to help for developing the education in Kuwait. This study finding can help to develop the methodology of science teaching and learning and the education in general. Keywords - Teaching Science, Learning Science, Teaching methods