Paper Title
Socio-Economic Status and Attitudes towards School and Mathematics of Pupils with Mild Intellectual Disability

The paper presents research results with the focus on socio-economic status and attitudes towards school and Mathematics of pupils with mild intellectual disability. The results of this group are compared with the results of pupils without disabilities. For the purpose of data collection, a questionnaire of international measurement TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) was used.The research sample consisted of 66 pupils with mild intellectual disability who attended 4th class of primary school (there was also data collection TIMSS provided, and were used for comparison). The results show, that material background and household equipment of pupils with MID is on a professional level, like in the general population.However, a deficit emerged in the intensity of cultural/social activities. Their attitudes towards school and Mathematics are more positive than the whole population of the Czech Republic. Keywords - Mild Intellectual Disability, Socio-Economic Status, Attitudes Towards School, Attitudes Towards Mathematics, The Timss.