Paper Title
Structure of The Police Service and The Increase in Crime Rates in The Republic of South Africa

This paper examines the structure of the South African Police. Qualitative research methodology was adopted. Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. It consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that makes the world visible. The researchers adopted purposive sampling which relies on the judgment of the researchers when it comes to selecting the units (e.g. people, cases/organizations, events, pieces of data) that are to be studied. Twenty (20) participants were selected. The researchers sampled five (5) members of the South African Police Service, five (5) members of Metro Police, five (5) members of Traffic Police, and five (5) NGOs. The study concludes that the present structure of South African Police Service is contributing to the escalating crime rates in the Republic of South Africa. This is because the Metro police, traffic police and South African Police Service have the overall objective of fighting crime, but their efforts are not properly coordinated into a central command structure with uniform strategy and tactics. This research recommends that South Africa must use a single police service, because it is easy to manage, as it will consist of one set of rules and regulations, single command and control, methods and procedures, there are no compelling reasons to opt for regional autonomous police services. Keywords - Structure of Police Service, Increase in Crime Rates, Republic of South Africa